Hokage Master - Chapter 516
None of the Kage dared to speak up, reproach him, or even change the subject to ” the council.” Even if it’s still in effect, it’s only because everyone was afraid of the tyrant at the head of the table! Obviously, with its abnormal nature — it won’t be the same alliance again…
Naruto smiled calmly, as if reading their dark thoughts. But, he didn’t even broach the subject, continuing to amuse himself:
“It’s a pity that there’s only one woman among you… Next time, bring a few more helpful helpers… I wouldn’t mind the presence of Koh Samui. Surrounded by beautiful women, I become kinder… ” With a smirk, Naruto cast a brief glance at the scowling Raikage, and then turned his gaze to Kurotsuchi:
“It’s very difficult for a Kunoichi to inherit power. This deserves special respect.
Everyone’s eyes immediately shifted towards Tsuchikage. Even if Naruto no longer exerted his pressure, at this moment Kurotsuchi felt an equally heavy force!
This time, she wasn’t happy about the attention…
— Em…
The girl roused herself and awkwardly forced out a word of gratitude:
“S-thank you… M-my lord…
Although she was afraid to say something wrong, she still did not give up trying to make contact with him and reduce the threat to herself. Given the Hokage’s previous words, Kurotsuchi found something to cling to. Besides, what if he was counting on her gratitude?
Admittedly, she was proud of her achievement…
Naruto nodded with a grin:
— You don’t have to worry so much Kurotsuchi, I still expect to visit your village and maintain our ‘friendly’ relationship. Choujiro’s case is none of your business.
Kurotsuchi’s words made him uneasy. But even if she regretted her “invitation,” she could only force a smile and nod.
How could she refuse him? Now, you can’t change that… Even if it was scary, all she had to do was either believe and relax, or ignore what he said and look for other ways to increase her value in his eyes. His domineering appeal was… It was too exciting…
Kurotsuchi’s breath caught in his throat. Just looking at this man gave her a strange feeling…
Shizune watched with a smile. She wondered if these people would be able to detect a certain hint of women in her Master’s words…
Finally, Naruto stopped testing everyone present and started talking about ‘business’:
— Since everyone’s listening, I think I’ll start.” The smile faded from his face, replaced by a stern expression.
The Kage present immediately tensed, expecting the worst. But, nothing like that happened — Naruto actually started talking about” things to do”, and it didn’t even concern their scary future!
— Our Alliance remains in force, but some agreements will change. Later, Shizune will explain everything to you.
A bad feeling immediately seized the audience. Although it didn’t concern their future, it was obvious that the changes in the union treaty would affect their villages! ŕΑŊỒBЕS̈
But questions and objections were out of the question…
In truth, they didn’t need to worry too much. Naruto didn’t even question what Shizune was planning or what she wanted to talk to them about. He didn’t touch on such matters as he didn’t think it was anything interesting. But let’s face it — if it will benefit his pawns, then why not let them hide behind his power and authority?
No matter what Shizune asks, she will definitely not cross the line and force these cornered Chieftains to sacrifice themselves. Even if she was standing by right now and acting cocky, and even ruthless, in reality, she wasn’t like that at all, naturally only with those who didn’t threaten her Master.
Letting a subordinate demand something from the great Kage was really fun… They would surely suffer a terrible humiliation.
Naruto showed his indifference to power and allowed his subordinates to slake their appetites under his shadow, no matter how creepy they were. Why? Because he was like that, too. He knew better than anyone that there were takers and givers in this world. You can fool people into thinking that this is not the case, but the reality is almost always not far from the law of the jungle, and given that the feeling of satisfaction quickly passes, people are constantly trying to get enough.
So, as long as his women “take” and it’s not about his personal interests — Naruto wasn’t going to stop them, even if they suddenly took it into their heads to start a war or genocide. Of course, only if they come up with a good reason for this. Still, in a certain sense, it concerned his interests.
Using his authority should include not only the ability to think with your head, but also personal status. Still, Shizune could influence matters between countries, while Ino could hardly make a big fuss. Even so, not wanting to lose her, Naruto would probably protect her if she even started killing passersby.
In fact, female Hokage could be considered somewhat immune to everything in this world, as well as a huge amount of power that some of them didn’t even understand yet. After all, in any of the disputes, the privileged person gets everything, even if he is wrong.
Shizune understood this rule perfectly. The rest of us still had to consider how lucky they really were…
The Hokage was indeed a man with broad views and a big heart. A true hero and defender. How could these people even think of calling him a crazy monster? They looked at the world so narrowly…
“Next, about the Chuunin Exam… Naruto brought up another important topic for the audience, making them immediately tense up: “The conditions and rules do not change. The exam will be conducted in accordance with the previous agreement. Here in Konoha. Anticipating their concern, he explained:
“Don’t strain yourself. I don’t care about your Genins. If I wanted to hurt someone, I would do it right away, without asking your permission.
The Hokage’s cold voice carried a hint of arrogance:
— You should understand that the world has changed. Ootsutsuki’s threat forces me to act even more ruthlessly than my predecessors. I have no intention of showing mercy to the weak, and as you may have noticed by now, this little Mizukage was a complete weakling… If so, what use would he be in the upcoming battle? As Naruto said that, his scowl swept over the pale faces of the Kage:
“Choujiro allowed Ao to betray him. As a result, this renegade infiltrated my village and captured the head of the science department. Now do you understand the reason for my actions? Naruto mentioned this detail, causing everyone’s eyes to widen immediately. Their understanding of the situation changed instantly…
It turned out that way…