Reborn as an Evolving Space Monster: Harem Of Otherworldly Beauties - Chapter 235
Chapter 235: You Can Choose The Exit Point!
Chapter 235: You Can Choose The Exit Point!
“Or… Or…” Raya whispered as she kissed his neck. “You could drink a bunch of very expensive wine and…”
“And?” Cero asked as he stroked her arm.
Raya was lying by his side with her head against his chest.
“Alright. Hmmm… Let’s say that the reason why you can produce that Poison is because you consumed the Poison, and not the organs that produce that Poison, alright?”
“Yeah.” The Paru chuckled, noticing the cheeky smile she wore on her face as she talked.
“In that case, if you drink enough wine, you miiiight be able to make wine, right? I mean… Produce it, somehow.”
“Well, maybe. Oh. Next time there’s something like that I want to eat, something that might lead to a change in my body, I’ll delay eating it.”
“So that we can run tests before and after?” Raya asked. She had completely read his mind. “Yes, that would work. If it’s something like wine, then that would help determine if a new organ will be created. Or…” Raya’s index finger stroked his stomach slowly, drawing circles. “If there’s one organ that deals with that. The same organ that produces the Poison, Venom, and… Other things. Maybe there’s one organ that… Learns how to produce new things.”
“Right. If a new organ is created every time, I might run out of place.”
“Haha! Yeah. In that case, you’ll need to grow even taller than you already are. That could prove troublesome.” Raya chuckled. “Man… How crazy is that in the first place? I mean… You could grow taller and all, theoretically.”
“Why? Do you want me to be?”
“Oh, hell no. It’s already strange being with someone taller than me.” She smiled, staring into his eyes.
“It is?”
“No, not really.” Raya whispered as her smile slowly widened. “For some reason, it’s really not.”
“If it’s not my height…” The Paru peeked, and she followed his gaze. “Maybe it’s something else you want to grow bigger.”
“Oh, fuck no! Definitely not!” Raya chuckled as she tapped his shoulder. “I’m not even sure I could take it inside of me! Actually, I probably can’t!”
“Well,” He directed his gaze back towards her. “You never know unless you try.”
Raya pressed her lips together, hiding her curled-up lips with a fist as she stared at him.
“Anyways,” Cero chuckled. “Continue. The wine…?”
“Yeah, so…” Raya flattened her hands against his shoulder and chest. “If you drink a bunch of wine, you could get the ability to make wine, right?”
“I suppose.” He shrugged. “But then we would end up drunk all the time. Rea is the ship’s Navigator, and while she’s… Serious when navigating… Well, usually… I’m not sure she would stay away from the wine, with how she drank earlier.”
“Ha! Yes, I can definitely see her drink a bunch, make the ship swerve in every direction, and argue that drinking actually makes her a better Navigator.”
“I can see that happen as well.”
“So…” Raya lodged her index finger between her lips for a moment. “You can control the exit point, right? For the Poison. I mean… Can you spit it like the creatures you brought me instead of producing it from your fingertips?”
“Sure, if I want to.”
“So you can control the exit point.”
“Yes, I can.”
Raya pressed her lips together again, a slightly embarrassed smile.
“Well? What is it?” Cero questioned.
“Alright.” Raya nodded repeatedly as she tapped her shoulder again and again. “Let’s say that we’re back on Wor, right? Or… Any place really. Anywhere where we can buy stuff.”
“Let’s say that… We buy a loooot of veeeeery very expensive wine, right?”
“Right. I might be able to produce very expensive wine and sell it.”
“Yes.” Raya rubbed her face for a moment, and kept her palms over her face as if to hide it. “Well, that’s not all…”
Cero definitely wanted to hear more.
“Tell me.” He whispered as he took hold of her wrists and slowly pulled her hands off her face.
“Well, um…” Raya scratched her head, frowning slightly with her left eye closed. “Ugh… This is going to sound weird.”
“I really really want to know now.”
“Well, you could theoretically make very very expensive wine, and you can… Change the exit point.”
“Yeah, so?”
“Hm… Wine is… Well, very very expensive wine is what rich and annoying people buy. They’re all like… Um, this wine tastes… Audacious. Or… Playful. Weird stuff like that that doesn’t mean anything.”
“Well, we could sell them their favorite wine at a cheaper price… Cheaper than market price.”
“That’s not all there is to it, is it? We’ve already talked about ways to make money.”
“Yeah… The real kicker is… Well…” Raya tilted her head to the side, pressing her lips together. “As the exit point… You could choose…” She tilted her head towards-
“No way.”
“It’s uh… It’s an idea.” Raya whispered, hiding her mouth with a hand.
“There’s no way.”
“Way!” Raya shouted as she laughed out loud. “We could make them buy sooo much money! To pay for… For their beloved wine!”@@novelr18@@
“Yes! Hahahaha!” Raya hid her face as she laughed. “They would be paying so much for wine that you peed!”
“So you want me to produce super expensive wine and use my dick as the exit point.”
“Well… I mean… Why not?! Hahahaha!”
“That’s so disgusting.”
“It’s hilarious.”
Cero’s gaze moved from Raya to his crotch repeatedly, his facial expression impassive.
“It is fucking hilarious.” He admitted.
“Right? RIGHT? You can pee gold! They would be drinking your pee, and they would have no idea!! Bahahahha!!”
“It’s the most disgusting thing I’ve heard in a while…” The Paru whispered as he shook his head. His gaze slowly moved back to Raya. “I love it.” He admitted, unable to keep himself from laughing out loud for any longer.
“Right? Right?! Hahahaha! They would be like… Oh, my favorite wine at a cheaper price… Oh, this flavor, this consistency, this-”
“Before we get to selling it…” Cero interrupted. He smiled as he talked, looking into her eyes. “I would need someone to taste it.”
Raya’s smile immediately disappeared.
“Fuck no!”